Project Description
BuSiNec-Studying the Effects of a Busyness Signifying Necklace in the Wild
Jonna Häkkilä, Romina Poguntke, Emmi Harjuniemi, Lauri Hakala, Ashley Colley, Albrecht Schmidt
DIS ’20: Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, July 2020.
Workplace stress is a growing problem, which is often not identified by sufferers and those around them until it becomes chronic. Moreover, admitting to feel stressed is a highly private and therefore sensitive topic, particularly at work. Informed by the findings from six in-depth interviews, we designed the manually self-adjusted wearable BuSiNec: a Busyness Signifying Necklace. 18 participants wore it at their workplace and reported on their experiences and their usage behavior through a diary and in a focus group interview. Our findings indicate that BuSiNec supports self-reflection on stress and further stimulates valuable discussions among co-users which in turn increased mutual consideration. Participants were conscious of their their displayed busyness status towards others and used the display to encourage or discourage discussions and interruptions, or as a warning of upcoming hurry. From these findings, we derive recommendations for the integration of affective state information in wearable displays.
Häkkilä, J., Poguntke, R., Harjuniemi, E., Hakala, L., Colley, A., & Schmidt, A. (2020, July). BuSiNec-Studying the Effects of a Busyness Signifying Necklace in the Wild. In Proceedings of the 2020 ACM on Designing Interactive Systems Conference (pp. 2177-2188).