The TechFashion project focuses on the design of future wearable computing, and falls at the cross-section of design, fashion and information technology. The TechFashion project investigates the phenomena of wearable computing from the design and fashion point of view, with a strong emphasis on users and social aspects, offering a unique research angle to the topic. Wearable computing is a relatively new but rapidly expanding area among computer science and information technology research, and has means to change our everyday life practices, consumer behavior, and society.
TechFashion addresses garments, accessories and smart jewelry as form factors, and investigates how different digital and virtual layers can become part of fashionable and aesthetic wearables design. The technology relevant to wearable computing is getting smaller, cheaper, and more energy-efficient, and technical production materials are becoming flexible, transparent, and organic e.g. due 3D printing, laser cutting and printed electronic techniques. The TechFashion project focuses on rapidly developing new technology and material solutions, and explores how they can be successfully integrated with aesthetic wearable computing. The project also studies and develops theoretical models and design frameworks on the topic, and explores the acceptability, sustainability, social angles of wearable computing.