As wearable technologies are becoming an increasingly popular tool for data collection, smart clothing and accessories have also started to be adorned with different output modalities, e.g. screens, lights, scents, thermal, vibrotactile, and shape-changing. With these output features, wearable technologies are capable of conveying information or meaning and reacting to various data from sensors placed on the body, or the surrounding environment. However, designing wearable displays is still a complex task since wearable technologies, in contrast to other interactive objects share the same design space with traditional clothes and accessories. Their design should also consider wearables’ social and cultural roles, e.g., in expressing style and/or appropriateness for a context.

This one-day workshop gathers together researchers, designers, and practitioners that are working with wearable design and aims to provide a venue to discuss specific challenges, opportunities, and lessons learned around designing different on-body output modalities in various contexts of use. What sorts of criteria do we have while designing a wearable with a certain modality? How do we shape the modalities in order to communicate meanings/information on the body? How do cultural and social challenges influence the design of different modalities?

The workshop will be conducted online. More information about the details will be announced later. This is aligned with the message of the chairs communicated in the notification about NordiCHI 2020 going online:

“It is with profound sadness that we let you know that NordiCHI 2020 will take place online. This decision was made by NordiCHI’s steering committee taking under consideration the current circumstances. Determinant factors were the volatility of flight schedules and the self-isolation periods imposed upon travellers by many states.”

Submission Deadline:
September 1st, 2020
Extended to September 8th, 2020
September 19th, 2020
Camera-ready version:
September 23rd, 2020
October 25th, 2020


The workshop invites submission of novel implementations, case studies, methodological notes, and position papers. We encourage multi-disciplinary participation around to topic with a background in, but not limited to, HCI, design, arts, fashion, and social sciences.


We invite interested candidates to submit a pictorial, a format popularized by the ACM, Designing interactive systems (DIS) Conference, OR a plain text with ACM Submission Format. Submissions should be prepared 2-4 pages in either formats, excluding references.
Please refer to DIS´20 Pictorial Call for the pictorial format details, templates and examples.


(in PDF only – max 20mb)
Easy Chair – Screens and Beyond 2020.

The submissions will be reviewed based on their relevance to the workshop theme and potential for contributing to discussions. Prior to the workshop date, the accepted pictorials will be made available through the workshop website.

Please note that we require at least one author of each accepted position paper to attend the workshop.


The workshop is structured in two sessions (morning and afternoon):


During the workshop, discussions will be structure into three main themes:


Design decisions and criteria.

We will identify the aims of different output modalities on wearable technologies. Why do participants choose to include a particular modality in their wearable design? What are the motivations behind certain form factors, body placements, materials, or information representation styles in their design?

Conveying intended meaning/information.

We will discuss the positive and negative aspects of certain output modalities in terms of their capability to convey intended meaning and/or information. What types of information/meanings do participants try to convey with different modalities? Which properties of a certain modality make it suitable to convey the intended information/meaning?


Social and cultural acceptability.

We will discuss the characteristics of output modalities that are challenging and/or advantageous for social and cultural acceptability. How do participants consider the social and cultural challenges in terms of appearance and interaction while designing wearables with a particular output modality? What is the influence of the targeted user and context of use on the design of the modality?


Contact Us:

This workshop has received funding from the Academy of Finland (TechFashion) and from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 833731, WEARTUAL